Frequently asked questions

Here you will find a list of most asked questions when choosing or looking for a graphic designer.

Questions and Answers

  1. I live in a different country, can we still work together?
  2. Your competition has a cheaper quote, are you able to match theirs?
  3. What will I expect throughout the course of the project?
  4. What do I need to prepare and supply to you for my project?
  5. I really need to meet you, can you travel to my country/city?
  6. Can I speak with you over the phone or Skype?
  7. What file format are you able to provide?
  8. When the project is completed, can you work with my printer?
  9. How long does it take for a project to complete?
  10. I have an urgent project, can you start right away?
  11. Do you charge by the hour, or by project?
  12. How much does a Corporate Identity System design (CIS) cost?
  13. How do you accept payment?
  14. Do I still have to pay, if I change my mind and decide to pull out of the project?
  15. Will you feature my completed project on your website?

I live in a different country, can we still work together?

Absolutely! The convenience of the internet has brought people closer together, vast majority of my clients are from outside of New Zealand. Although I’d love to meet face-to-face, often email communication is more efficient and cost effective than meeting in person. Email also help keep track of the communication throughout the course of the project.

All my clients receive my cell phone number, and can contact me via Skype.

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Your competition provided a cheaper quote, are you able to match theirs?

You choose a graphic designer by his/her style, and quality of work produced. Design is no merchandise, and design that works is priceless! Please read related article: What is a logo design worth

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What will I expect throughout the course of the project?

When a quote is accepted, and initial payment is made, we will commence work on your project right away. We will keep a close contact with you, email responses are usually replied within an hour upon reception  (during work hour). Client will expect to see progress within the first 7 days, this includes initial concept and draft (in JPG or PDF). Client is welcome to provide feedback based on supplied draft, we will then fine tune the work till completion. The final artwork is supplied in digital format via email, if the file size is too big, the client can download the file from our FTP server.

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What do I need to prepare and supply to you for my project?

For website design: Copy writing, photographs, identity/logo, corporate color & type of website i.e. blog, corporate, magazine or e-commerce.

For brochure design: Copy writing, theme, identity/logo and a project brief.

For identity design: Company background, existing identity/logo work if any, size of company and a project brief.

For book design: Final spell checked chapters supplied in word document. All photographs labeled, scanned or supplied in hard-copy to be scanned. Photo captions to be typed and supplied in word document.

For photography: Subject, location & a project brief.

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I really need to meet you; will you expect to travel to my country/city?

If meeting in person is necessary, I am expected to travel to discuss about the design project on the expense of the client, providing plenty of notice in advance.

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Can I speak with you over the phone or Skype?

Absolutely, all my clients receive my contact details, and I can be contacted 9am~5pm Monday to Friday (except weekend & public holidays).

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What file format do you provide?

All major graphic design industry file types: Vector (.ai .fh .swf) for identity work, PDF/Eps for print, jpg/png/gif for web, and tif/raw for photography.

We can also work with your local printer, to supply correct file format ready for print.

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Can you help manage and supply final printed work?

If you live in the same city, I can assist with print management with the local printer for a fee. I will be responsible in paper stock selection & reading of color proofs to ensure the final printed work is desirable.

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How long does it take for a project to complete?

Depending on the size of the project, the amount of work I have at the time of request, and the quality of information provided. After project commencement, you should expect to see first draft/ideas within 7 working days.

Big project such as a book design will take much longer time, as it requires a lot of proof reading, and often the author changes a paragraph or two everyday, or is still working on the book. In this case, the information is not supplied fully and project is pending on the readiness of the supplied information.

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My project is urgent, can you start right away?

As much as I’d like to, it all depends on the amount of project I need to go through at the time of request. After seeing your design brief, we will advise the length of time it’ll take to complete it.

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Do you charge by the hour, or by project, what is your hourly charge?

Both, my client usually prefers a fixed-price quote. With regards to hourly rate, for creative work $100(NZD)+GST/hour.

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How much does an identity design cost?

A corporate identity design (CID) project can cost between $1000 to $30,000+ (NZD). Every project is unique, a designer will need to know exactly what you want, before an accurate quote can be supplied.

The price varies on a number of factors:

  1. Number of concepts required to be presented.
  2. Number of people using the identity in the company.
  3. Where will the identity appear? Vans, cars, uniforms, hats or even coffee cups?
  4. Involvement in market/competition research.
  5. National or multi-national company.
  6. Presentation – Requirement for formal presentation with the board of directors.
  7. Trademark registration.

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How do you accept payment?

We request a 50% payment prior to project commencement. This amount is payable by: Paypal, cheque, or bank transfer.

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Do I still have to pay for the work, if I change my mind and decide to pull out of the project?

The initial 50% payment is non-refundable after acceptance of the quote. We also retain full rights to initial concept & drawing at the time of termination. The initial 50% is a reasonable request to ensure the client is 100% committed to the project.

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Will you feature my project on your website?

We’d love to! We take great pleasure in showcasing all work done by us, this helps promote your business as well as ours, I see it as a win win situation! However in some cases a client would request us not to, and we respect our client’s privacy.

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Have I missed anything? Need to know more?

Should you have any more questions? please drop me an email

If you haven’t already, you’re more than welcome to browse through our portfolio.

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