Arthemia designed by Michael Hutagalung
This website utilizes the base template designed by Michael Hutagalung at We have looked for an ideal website CMS for a long time, and after some careful trials, we have chosen WordPress to be our site engine.
The arthemia template came up on google search, after seeing the demo of this template in action, we felt it can be tweaked to suit our requirements. Prior to wordpress, our website was quite a static one, with mere information on our services and portfolio, now with wordpress, we can publish all sorts of contents, other than just business related information.
We fell in love with wordpress after just a couple of days trialing it, and are still falling deeply in love with it everyday! However, there is still a lot to learn about this fantastic system!
What made us decide to use this template?
Key Features of Arthemia
- Simplicity
- Easy to modify
- Nice automatic thumbnail generation on headline, features & posts
- Good 5 categories listing on the index page
- Magazine like, but not so commercial looking, has a friendly feel
- Good support by Michael and colorlabsproject, also well documented
We admire works done by Michael, and appreciate his hard work in bringing this wordpress template to the public, if you find this template useful, please visit Michael’s website for more details.