“DESI8N” Personalised Plate
I have been thinking about promoting my business locally, I have two objectives: 1. Minimal investment. 2. Last a long time. After a bit of research, I figured the best way to do this would be to get a personalised plate for my car… As always the case, after checking for availability, all the obvious names have been unavailable. Initially, I wanted “DESIGN” but it was purchased by someone, who wants $5000 (NZD) for it! Even if I had the budget I wouldn’t have taken the plunge to spend this kind of money on this plate name! So, it’s time to be creative, it turned out “DESI8N” was available for under $1000, so I grabbed it immediately. I also ordered a custom plate surround to go in the back of the car, that says:
“Graphic & Web Design” at the top, and
D E S I 8 N
“www.kudesign.co.nz” at the bottom
Some other plate names I considered using at that time were: WWWEB, KUDESI, GDESI, D3SIGN & GRPHIC. ‘WWWEB’ was a very good one that I liked very much, now someone has got it and it’s no longer available.
Luckily the used 325i Bimmer I purchased last year (another good buy!) had an European plate fitting, and it just looked so much better with the letterbox wide-screen look!
Now every-time I drive around town, I am promoting my business, and I believe the personalised plated is a good investment, as this name will only increase in value as good names get scarcer and scarcer in the market. So, for just $1000 (NZD) we got to advertise our business for as long as we keep the plate, now that is good value!
Have you got a better/cheaper way to promote your business physically for a long time than this? Please leave a comment below.
Join the discussion and tell us your opinion.
This is good value in deed for long term advertising. But I would also look at effective paid advertising that will help land big design projects, even if it meant large advertising budget is required, it might be worth it.
As far as online advertising, Google is the next best free advertising, but proper SEO for on page and off page factors need to be worked on to get high ranking.
It makes me want to get a plate for my car too… lol